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agotado (adj.)
jaded, out of stock, rundown, spent, unavailable, unobtainable, weary, sold out, inaccessible, unprocurable, untouchable, dead beat, exhausted, dog-tired, fagged, fatigued, played out, washed-out, worn-out, worn out, broken-winded, wheezy, short of breath, blown, pursy, short-winded, winded, out of breath, breathless, beat, dead tired, tired, dead-beat, all in, bushed, clapped-out, done in, fagged out, shagged out, shattered, tired out, wearied, knackered, drained, flaked out, run-down, aweary
agotar (v.)
drain, fatigue, jade, tucker, enervate, wear out, exhaust, overtire, overweary, overfatigue, consume, distress, vex, irritate, tease, badger, pester, bug, beleaguer, spend, weaken, attenuate, frazzle, enfeeble, debilitate, wear away, tire, wear upon, tire out, wear, weary, outwear, wear down, fag out, fag, run down, play out, sap, deplete, wash up, beat, tucker out
agotar ()
be gone, be out of stock, be sold out, be consumed, come to an end, sell out
agotado por exceso de trabajo (adj.)
crackbrained, crazy (colloquial), distraught, drunk, insane, mad, overstrung, overtired, overworked, overwrought, silly, stupid, wild (colloquial)
estar agotado (adj.)
all in (colloquial), bushed, clapped-out (colloquial;British), dead-beat (informal), dog-tired (colloquial;British), done in (colloquial), drained, fagged (colloquial;British), fagged out (colloquial;British), flaked out, knackered (colloquial;British), rundown, shagged out (colloquial;British), shattered (colloquial), spent, tired, tired out, washed-out (British), wearied, weary, worn out
estar agotado (v.)
haberse agotado (v.)
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agotado (adj.)
↘ agotar, estar agotado, haberse acabado, haberse agotado, inaccesibilidad, intangibilidad ↗ atrofia, decadencia, declinación, degeneración, perdición ≠ disponible, en el haber, obtenible
agotar (v.)
↘ andado, debilitación, debilitamiento, de gran duración, derrengado, desgaste, desmadejamiento, deterioro, indestructible, que no se desgasta, raído, usado ↗ achacoso, débil, enfermizo, mareado, minusválido ≠ refrescar
agotar (v. trans.)
↘ agotador, agotamiento, atufamiento, atufo, corrosivo, delicado, deslomador, difícil, dificultoso, duro, duro, penoso, embarazoso, enfado, enojo, insistente, irritación, irritante, laborioso, molesto, penoso, pesado, punzante, tirante
agotado (adj.)
agotado (adj.)
essoufflé (fr)[Classe]
agotado (adj.)
agotado (adj.)
indisponible (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
inaccesibilidad, intangibilidad — inaccessibility, inapproachability, unapproachableness, unavailability - accesibilidad, destreza, disponibilidad, manejabilidad — accessibility, availability, availableness, handiness, usability[Dérivé]
disponible, en el haber — available, disposable, in hand, usable[Ant.]
agotado (adj.)
agotado (adj.)
cansada, cansado — tired[Similaire]
agotado (adj.)
cansada, cansado — tired[Similaire]
agotar (v.)
agotar (v.)
rendre physiquement faible (fr)[Classe]
rendre faible (moral) (fr)[Classe]
(fuerza) — (power; strength)[termes liés]
ablandar, flaquear, reblandecerse — weaken[Hyper.]
mareado — faint, light, lightheaded, light-headed, swooning - achacoso, débil, enfermizo, minusválido — debile, decrepit, feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless, weak, weakly[Rendre+Attrib.]
debilitación, debilitamiento, desmadejamiento — debilitation, enervation, enfeeblement, exhaustion, weakening - debilidad, endeblez, flaqueza, fragilidad — debility, feebleness, flaccidity, fragility, frailness, frailty, infirmity, valetudinarianism, weakness - debilitative, enervating, enfeebling, weakening[Dérivé]
agotar (v.)
agotar (v.)
agotar (v.)
agotar (v.)
agotar (v.)
agotar (v. tr.)
agotar (v. tr.)
agotar (v. tr.)
entristecer — sadden[Classe]
faire souffrir (fr)[Classe]
agotar (v. tr.)
mettre qqn en colère (fr)[Classe]
agacer (fr)[Classe]
obséder (fr)[Classe]
être inopportun (fr)[Classe]
atormentar, frustrar, martirizar — bedevil, crucify, dun, frustrate, rag, torment[Hyper.]
vacile — ribbing, tantalization, tease, teasing - embrollador, embrollón, pertubador, pertubadora, pertubadora del orden público, pertubador del orden público — badgerer, heckler - burlón, burlona, chinche, estorbo, inconveniente, lapa, lata, machacón, moscardón, moscón, pelma, plaga, quiltro — blighter, cuss, gadfly, nuisance, pest, pesterer - bromista, provocador — annoyer, tease, teaser, vexer[Dérivé]
agotar (v. tr.)
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