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(dar) en el blanco
dar en el blanco (v.)
hit home, hit the mark, hit the target, strike a chord, strike a note, strike home
de dos en dos (adv.)
de en medio (adj.)
de tiempo en tiempo (adv.)
at intervals, at times, every now and again, every now and then, every now and then / every now and again / every so often, every once in a while, every so often, from time to time, now and again, now and then, occasionally, off and on / on and off, once in a while, on occasion
en absoluto
in the slightest, not for the life of me, not in the least, you're welcome
en absoluto (adj.)
en absoluto (adv.)
any, at all, far from, in no way, in the least, nohow, not at all, the least bit
¡en absoluto!
en abstracto (adv.)
en abundancia
en abundancia (adv.)
abundantly, amply, copiously, extravagantly, lavishly, liberally, plentifully, profusely, richly
en adelante (adv.)
from now on, from this moment on, from this time on, henceforth (literary;old), henceforward (literary), in future (British)
en algún sitio (adv.)
en alguna otra parte (adv.)
en alguna parte (adv.)
anyplace (American), anywhere, someplace, somewhere, somewhere or other
en apariencia (adv.)
apparently, at first glance, by all appearances, by the look of it, on the face of it, ostensibly, seemingly, to all appearances
en aquel entonces (adv.)
en aquel tiempo (adv.)
en aquella época (adv.)
en aseguramiento (adv.)
en atención a
en balde (adv.)
avail, for nothing, futilely, ineffectually, in vain, of no avail, to no effect, to no purpose, unavailingly, unsuccessfully, vainly
en blanco (adj.)
argus-eyed, awake, blank, clean, empty, fresh, open-eyed, sleepless, unprinted, vacuous, vigilant, wakeful, watchful
en blanco (adv.)
en breve (adv.)
en broma (adj.)
en broma (adv.)
archly, in an arch manner, jestingly, jokingly, mischievously, playfully, roguishly, wickedly
en bruto
en buen momento (adv.)
at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, at the proper time, at the right moment, at the right time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes
en buen punto (adj.)
en buena salud (adj.)
en calidad de
by virtue of, in the capacity for, in the capacity of, in virtue of, on the basis of
en cambio (adv.)
en cambio de (adv.)
en camino (adv.)
en cantidad (adj.)
en capullo (adj.)
en casa (adv.)
at home, en famille (literary), home, homeward, homeward-bound, homewards, in, indoors, within doors
en caso de
in case of, in the event of (+ conditionnel)
en caso de ausencia (adv.)
en caso de impedimento (adv.)
en caso de necesidad (adv.)
en caso de que
in case of, in the event of (+ conditionnel)
en caso de urgencia (adv.)
at a pinch (British), in an emergency, in a pinch (American)
en caso extremo (adv.)
en celo
en celo (adj.)
estrous (American), in heat (American), in season (femelle), oestrous (British), on heat (British), rutting (mâle)
en cierta medida (adv.)
a bit, a little, a little bit, a modicum ((Dep)formel), a shade, a tiny bit, a trifle, in some degree, rather, slightly, somewhat, to a certain extent, to some extent, up to a point
en cierto modo
en cierto sentido (adv.)
en colaboración con
en comparación con
en común (adv.)
conjointly (literary), in common
en confianza (adv.)
en conformidad (adv.)
en conmemoración de
en cono (adv.)
en consecuencia (adv.)
en construcción (adv.)
en contra de
en contraste con
en contravención a
en cooperación con
en cualquier caso (adv.)
en cualquier momento (adv.)
en cuanto
as soon as, immediate, immediately, in so far as, no sooner … than, once, when
en cuanto a
about, as far as .. is concerned, as for, as regards, as to, concerning, far, in, in connection with, in connexion with (British), in reference to (literary), in regard to, in respect of, qua (literary), regarding, respecting, with regard to, with respect to
en cuanto a (adj.)
en cuatro palabras (adv.)
in a nutshell, in summary, summarising (British), summarizing (American), to recap
en cueros (adj.)
bare-ass, bare-assed, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, naked as a jaybird, peeled, raw, stark naked (colloquial)
en cueros (adv.)
en cuestión (adj.)
en definitiva (adv.)
briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en desarrollo (adj.)
en desorden (adj.)
around the bend, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, higgledy-piggledy, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, wacky, whacky
en desorden (adv.)
all over, any old how, higgledy-piggledy, pell-mell, upside down
en desuso (adj.)
disused, in abeyance, into desuetude, obsolete, outdated, out of use
en detalle
en detalle (adv.)
circumstantially, detailedly, elaborately, graphically, in an elaborate way, in detail, in great detail, intricately
en detrimento de
at the expense of, to one's disadvantage, to the detriment of, to the disadvantage of
en directo (adj.)
en directo (adv.)
en dos palabras (adv.)
in a nutshell, in summary, summarising (British), summarizing (American), to recap
en efecto (adv.)
actually, as a matter of fact, elementally, essentially, indeed, in effect, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, practically, really, so, truly
en el acto (adv.)
at once, at the double, directly, forthwith, immediately, in real time, instantly, like a shot, now, on the double, on the spot, outright, promptly, right, right away, right now, right off (American), straightaway (British), straight away, straight off, this instant
en el año .. (adv.)
en el año de gracia .. (adv.) (old)
en el camino de ida (adv.)
en el camino de vuelta (adv.)
en el campo (adv.)
en el campo de
en el comienzo (adv.)
ab initio, at first, at the start, initially, to begin with, to start with
en el cuadro de
en el curso de
en el extranjero (adj.)
en el extranjero (adv.)
en el fondo
en el fondo (adv.)
actually, as matter of fact, at bottom, at heart, at the bottom, au fond, basically, deep down, essentially, fundamentally, in essence, in fact, inside, in spite of appearance, on the bottom, ultimately
en el futuro
en el futuro (adv.)
from now on, from this moment on, from this time on, henceforth (literary;old), henceforward (literary), in future (British)
en el ínterin (adv.)
en el lugar mismo (adv.)
en el medio (adv.)
en el mismo momento (adv.)
at once, at the double, directly, forthwith, immediately, in real time, instantly, like a shot, now, on the double, outright, promptly, right, right away, right now, right off (American), straightaway (British), straight away, straight off, this instant
en el momento oportuno (adv.)
at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, at the proper time, at the right moment, at the right time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes
en el momento propio (adv.)
en el peor de los casos (adv.)
en el terreno de
en el viaje de ida (adv.)
en el viaje de vuelta (adv.)
en equipo (n.)
en especial (adv.)
en espera de
en estado (adj.)
expectant, in the family way (old), pregnant
en estado interesante (adj.)
expectant, in the family way (old), pregnant
en este momento (adv.)
at present, at the moment, at this time, currently, just, just now, presently, right now
en estéreo (adv.)
en estos momentos (adv.)
en existencia (adj.)
available, getable, gettable, in stock, obtainable, on sale, procurable
en éxtasis (adj.)
in ecstasy, out of one's mind (colloquial)
en extremo
en extremo (adv.)
*en favor de (v.)
en fin de cuentas (adv.)
en forma de arco (adj.)
arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, arcuated, bowed, curved, domed, in the form of an arch, vaulted
en forma de bóveda (adj.)
arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, arcuated, bowed, in the form of an arch
en formación
en formación (adj.)
en fuga (adj.)
en general
all in all, altogether, as a whole, at large, on balance, on the whole, tout ensemble
en general (adv.)
as a rule, broadly, by and large (colloquial), generally, in general, in the main, more often than not, mostly
en gran escala (adj.)
extensive, far-reaching, large-scale, massive, radical, sweeping, wide-ranging
en gran estilo (adj.)
extensive, far-reaching, large-scale, massive, radical, sweeping, wide-ranging
en gran medida (adv.)
awfully, for the greater part, for the most part, largely, mostly, to a large extent
en gran parte
en gran parte (adv.)
for the greater part, for the most part, largely, mostly, to a large extent
en grupo (adv.)
en guardia (adj.)
en hemiciclo (adj.)
en invierno (adv.)
during the winter, in the winter, in the wintertime, in winter
en la actualidad (adv.)
at present, currently, in this day and age, now, nowadays, these days, today
en la cara inferior (adv.)
en la cara superior (adv.)
en la ida (adv.)
en la mayor medida (adv.)
en la parte de abajo (adv.)
en la parte de arriba (adv.)
en la parte de atrás (adv.)
en la parte de atrás de
en la práctica (adv.)
en la suerte y en la desgracia (adv.)
for better or for worse, for better or worse, for good or for ill, for good or ill, through good and bad times, through thick and thin
en línea (adj.)
in-line, inserted in a line of hose, online, on line, on-line
en línea recta (adv.)
as the crow flies, direct, directly, in a straight line, rectilinearly, right (colloquial), straight, straightly
en líneas generales (adv.)
en lo más alto (adv.)
above, at the top, on top, overhead, up, upper, uppermost, upward (American), upwards
en lo que
en lo que respecta a él (adv.)
en lo que respecta a ella (adv.)
en lo que respecta a mí (adv.)
en lo que respecta a nosotros (adv.)
en lo que respecta a ti (adv.)
en lo que respecta a vosotros (adv.)
en lo que se refiera a mí (adv.)
en lo referente a
about, as far as .. is concerned, as for, as to, concerning, in, in reference to (literary), qua (literary)
en lo sucesivo (adv.)
from now on, from this moment on, from this time on, henceforth (literary;old), henceforward (literary), in future (British)
en lo tocante a
as regards, concerning, in connection with, in connexion with (British), in respect of, regarding (literary), respecting, with regard to, with respect to (literary)
en masa (adj.)
en masa (adv.)
en materia de
en materia industrial (adv.)
en mayor medida (adv.)
in an increasing degree, increasingly, more and more, progressively
en medio
en medio (adj.)
en medio (adv.)
en medio de todo (adv.)
all in all, all things considered, on balance, on closer inspection
en memoria de
en menos que canta un gallo (adv.)
en menoscabo de
at the expense of, to one's disadvantage, to the detriment of, to the disadvantage of
en mi entender (adv.)
en mi opinión
en mi opinión (adv.)
en mitad de
en ninguna parte (adv.)
anyplace (American), anywhere, no place (colloquial;American), not anywhere, nowhere
en nombre de
en orden
en orden (adj.)
en orden (adv.)
en otra parte (adv.)
en otras palabras (adv.)
en otro sitio (adv.)
en otros tiempos (adv.)
at one time, erst, erstwhile, formerly, in bygone days, in former days, in former times, in the past, once, used to
en parte (adj.)
en parte por ... en parte por (adv.)
en particular (adv.)
en paz (adj.)
en pelota (adj.)
bare-ass, bare-assed, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, naked as a jaybird, peeled, raw, stark naked (colloquial)
en perjuicio de
at the expense of, to one's disadvantage, to the detriment of, to the disadvantage of
en persona
en persona (adj.)
en persona (adv.)
en perspectiva
in / out of perspective, in perspective, in the offing, perspectival, perspective
en pleno día (adv.)
en pocas palabras
in a nutshell, in summary, summarising (British), summarizing (American), to recap
en pocas palabras (adv.)
briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en potencia (adv.)
en presencia de
en primer lugar
en primer lugar (adv.)
above all, first, first and foremost, firstly, first of all, first off, for a start, foremost, in the first place, most importantly, primarily, to start with
en primer lugar (n.)
en prisión preventiva (adv.)
en promedio (adv.)
en proporción (adv.)
comparatively, in proportion, proportionally, proportionately, relatively
en proporción a
en provecho de
en público (adv.)
en punto
en punto (adj.)
en punto (adv.)
en qué medida (adv.)
en ratos perdidos (adv.)
by the way, casually, en passant, incidentally, in odd moments, in passing, parenthatically
en realidad
en realidad (adv.)
actually, as a matter of fact, as matter of fact, indeed, in effect, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, practically, really, truly
en recompensa (adv.)
en relación con
en reserva
en reserva (adv.)
en resumen
briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en resumen (adv.)
in a nutshell, in summary, summarising (British), summarizing (American), to recap
en resumidas cuentas
briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en resumidas cuentas (adv.)
in a nutshell, in summary, summarising (British), summarizing (American), to recap
en rigor (adv.)
en ruinas
en ruinas (adj.)
en sazón (adj.)
en secreto
clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hush-hush, on the quiet, secret, surreptitious, undercover, underground
en secreto (adv.)
en seguida (adv.)
at once, at the double, directly, forthwith, immediately, in real time, instantly, like a shot, now, on the double, outright, promptly, right, right away, right now, right off (American), straightaway (British), straight away, straight off, this instant
en segundo lugar (adv.)
in the second place (American), second, secondly
en sentido afirmativo (adv.)
en serio (adv.)
badly, earnestly, gravely, in all earnestness, in earnest, seriously, severely, solemnly
en serio (n.)
en su caso (adv.)
en su día (adv.)
at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes
en su mayor parte (adv.)
for the greater part, for the most part, largely, mostly, to a large extent
en su mayoría (adv.)
above all, chiefly, especially, for the greater part, for the most part, in the main, largely, mainly, mostly, primarily, principally, to a large extent
en su punto (adj.)
en su tiempo (adv.)
all in good time, at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes
en su totalidad (adv.)
en sumo detalle (adv.)
down to the last detail, down to the smallest detail, in great detail, inside out, the ins and outs
en tal medida (adv.)
en teoría (adv.)
en tiempo (adv.)
all in good time, at a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes
en tiempos de
en tiempos pasados (adv.)
at one time, erst, erstwhile, formerly, in bygone days, in former days, in former times, in the past, once, used to
en tierra (adv.)
en todas partes (adv.)
all, all over, anywhere, everyplace, everywhere, far and near, far and wide, here, there and everywhere, throughout
en todo caso
en todo caso (adv.)
absolutely, anyhow, anyway, at any rate, at least, definitely, exactly, in any case, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, positively (colloquial), precisely
en todo el país (adv.)
across the country, across the nation, all over the country, nationally, nationwide, throughout the country
en todo tiempo (adv.)
en torno (adv.)
all around (spéc. anglais américain), all round, around (spéc. anglais américain), round
en torno (a)
en total (adv.)
all told, altogether, briefly, concisely, in all, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, overall, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en trueque (adv.)
en trueque de (adv.)
en último caso (adv.)
en un abrir de ojos (adv.)
en un abrir y cerrar de ojos (adv.)
in a flash (colloquial), in a jiffy (colloquial), in a moment, in an instant, in a second, in a trice (colloquial), in no time, instantaneously, instantly, in two shakes (colloquial), outright
en un decir amén (adv.)
en un decir Jesús (adv.)
en un dos por tres (adv.)
en un futuro próximo (adv.)
before long, in a little while, in the near future, presently, shortly, soon
en un instante (adv.)
directly, in a flash, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant
en un Jesús (adv.)
en un santiamén
en un santiamén (adv.)
en una carrera (adv.)
as quick as lightning, like greased lightning (colloquial), like lightning (colloquial), like the clappers (colloquial;British)
en una escapada (adv.)
in a flash (colloquial), in a jiffy (colloquial), in a second, in a trice (colloquial), in no time, instantaneously, instantly, in two shakes (colloquial), outright
en una palabra
briefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short
en una palabra (adv.)
en una tirada (adv.)
en vano (adv.)
abortively, avail, for nothing, fruitlessly, futilely, helplessly, impotently, ineffectually, in vain, of no avail, to no avail, to no effect, to no purpose, unable to help, unavailingly, unproductively, unprofitably, unsuccessfully, vainly, without effect, without results
en venta (adj.)
available, for sale, getable, gettable, obtainable, on sale, procurable, purchasable, up for sale
en verano (adv.)
during the summer, in summer, in the summer, in the summertime
en verdad (adv.)
actually, as a matter of fact, elementally, essentially, indeed, in effect, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, practically, really, truly, verily
en vez de
en vez de (adv.)
en vías de construcción (adv.)
en virtud de
by virtue of, in the capacity of, in virtue of, on the basis of
en vista de
en vista de ello (adv.)
because of that, because of this, hence, on that account, so, that's why, then, therefore, this is why
en vivo (adv.)
en volandas (adv.)
estar en cabeza (v.)
estar en cabeza (v.) (deporte)
be ahead (sport), be in front (sport), be in the lead (sport), lead (sport)
estar en el aire (v.)
estar en estado (v.)
bear, be expecting, be in the family way (old), be pregnant, be with child (old), carry, conceive, expect, gestate, have a bun in the oven (colloquial)
estar en pie
estar en pie (v.)
hacer noche en casa de (v.)
spend the night at, spend the night with, stay overnight with
ir en contra de (v.)
be at variance with, be contrary to, be in defiance of, conflict with, contravene, go against, run counter to, turn against
tener en común con (v.)
be on the same wavelength as, be tuned in to, have in common with
tener en mucho a (v.)
tener parte en (v.)
tomar parte en
tomar parte en (v.)
add to, assist in, contribute to, contribute towards, go in for, join in, make a contribution to, partake, partake in, participate in, share, share in, take part in
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en (prep.)
(espace) jusqu'à (tel lieu) (fr)[Classe]
en (prep.)
en (prep.)
prép marquant la forme (fr)[Classe]
préposition marquant le moyen (fr)[Classe]
con — with[Classe]
prép marquant la manière (fr)[Classe...]
en (prep.)
à un instant donné (fr)[Classe]
en (prep.)
(espace) à l'intérieur de (fr)[Classe]
en (prep.)
en (prep.)
(espace) au-dessus de (fr)[Classe]
en (prep.)
préposition marquant le moyen (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
en (prep.)
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