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PVC (n.)
1.irregularity of cardiac rhythm; recurrent occurrences can be a precursor of ventricular fibrillation
2.a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in electric cables
3.(MeSH)A polyvinyl resin used extensively in the manufacture of plastics, including medical devices, tubing, and other packaging. It is also used as a rubber substitute.
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PVC (n.) (MeSH)
Chloroethylene Homopolymer (MeSH), Chloroethylene Polymer (MeSH), Geon (MeSH), Polychloroethylene (MeSH), Polyvinyl Chloride (MeSH), Ultron (MeSH), Viaflex (MeSH), Vinyl Chloride Polymer (MeSH), Vinylite (MeSH)
⇨ Closed-cell PVC foamboard • Latex and PVC fetishism • PVC (disambiguation) • PVC and rubber fetishism • PVC tiles • PVC-1 • Subedar Joginder Singh (PVC) • Tennant PVC
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PVC (n.) [abbreviation]
substance synthétique (fr)[Classe]
PVC (n.)
arrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia[Hyper.]
PVC (n.)
PVC (n.) [MeSH]
Elastomers, Synthetic Rubber - Polyvinyls[Hyper.]
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