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butcher (n.)
butcher (v.)
kan dökmek, katletmek, kesmek, katliam yapmak, çok sayıda öldürmek, biçmek
butcher's (n.) (ellipsis;British)
butcher's shop (n.) (British)
butcher shop (n.) (American)
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butch (n.)
butch (adj.)
↘ macho
butcher (n.)
↘ butcher's, butcher's shop, butchering, butcher shop, butchery, meat market ↗ be mistaken, make a mistake, make an error, slip, slip up, stumble, trip up
butcher (v.)
↘ butchery, carnage, massacre, mass murder, mass murderer, shambles, slaughter ↗ countenance, face, gob, head, kisser, mug, phiz, physiognomy, smiler, trap, visage
butcher (v. trans.)
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butcher (n.)
femme : métier de la viande (fr)[Classe]
boucher commerçant (fr)[Classe]
butcher (n.)
good-for-nothing, incompetent, incompetent person, ne'er-do-well[Hyper.]
bungle - be mistaken, make a mistake, make an error, slip, slip up, stumble, trip up - balls up, ball up, bedevil, blight, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, fiddle around, flub, fluff, foozle, foul up, fuck up, fumble, louse up, make a mess of, mar, mess about, mess around, mess up, mishandle, muck up, muddle, muddle along, muff, potter, putter, ruin, screw up, spoil, work sloppily - blunder, boob, drop a brick, drop a brick / drop a clanger, drop a clanger, drop the ball, goof, make a bloomer, make a blooper, make a howler, put one's foot in it, put one's foot in one's mouth, sin - botchy, butcherly, unskillful[Dérivé]
butcher (n.)
butcher (n.)
butcher (n.)
merchandiser, merchant[Hyper.]
butcher, slaughter[Dérivé]
butcher (v.)
déformer, altérer la forme de qqch (fr)[Classe...]
butcher (v.)
butcher (v. tr.)
slay; kill; take life[Classe]
procéder à l'abattage (op. diverses) (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
tuer une personne (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
(livestock; cattle; cows; kine; oxen; Bos taurus)[termes liés]
kill, take s.o.'s life[Hyper.]
slaughter, slaughtering - butchery, carnage, massacre, mass murder, shambles, slaughter - butchering, butchery - abattoir, block, butchery, chopping block, meat packing house, shambles, slaughterhouse, slaughter-house - butcher, slaughterer - butcher, meatman[Dérivé]
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