definición y significado de commute |

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alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita
alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita

Definición y significado de commute


commute (v. intr.) or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category"Could you convert my dollars into pounds?" "He changed his name" "convert centimeters into inches" "convert holdings into shares" a penalty for a less severe one

3.change the order or arrangement of"Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word" positions without a change in value"These operators commute with each other" back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and home

commute (n.)

1.a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work"there is standing room only on the high-speed commute"

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Merriam Webster

CommuteCom*mute" (kŏm*mūt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Commuted; p. pr. & vb. n. Commuting.] [L. commutare, -mutatum; com- + mutare to change. See Mutation.]
1. To exchange; to put or substitute something else in place of, as a smaller penalty, obligation, or payment, for a greater, or a single thing for an aggregate; hence, to lessen; to diminish; as, to commute a sentence of death to one of imprisonment for life; to commute tithes; to commute charges for fares.

The sounds water and fire, being once annexed to those two elements, it was certainly more natural to call beings participating of the first “watery”, and the last “fiery”, than to commute the terms, and call them by the reverse. J. Harris

The utmost that could be obtained was that her sentence should be commuted from burning to beheading. Macaulay.

Definición (más)

definición de commute (Wikipedia)


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Diccionario analógico

commute (n.)

commute (v. intr.)


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