definición y significado de ligament |

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alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita
alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita

Definición y significado de ligament


ligament (n.)

1.any connection or unifying bond

2.a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs

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Merriam Webster

LigamentLig"a*ment (lĭg"ȧ*m�nt), n. [L. ligamentum, fr. ligare to bind; cf. f. ligament. Cf. Lien, n., Ligature.]
1. Anything that ties or unites one thing or part to another; a bandage; a bond. Hawthorne.

Interwoven is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts. Washington.

2. (Anat.) (a) A tough band or plate of dense, fibrous, connective tissue or fibrocartilage serving to unite bones or form joints. (b) A band of connective tissue, or a membranous fold, which supports or retains an organ in place; as, the gastrophrenic ligament, connecting the diaphragm and stomach.

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Definición (más)

definición de ligament (Wikipedia)


ligament (n.)


Ver también

ligament (n.)

ligamentary, ligamentous


Abscess of broad ligament specified as acute • Acromioclavicular ligament • Alveolodental Ligament • Ankle Lateral Ligament • Anterior Cruciate Ligament • Anterior Longitudinal Ligament • Broad Ligament • Broad ligament • Broad ligament laceration syndrome [Allen-Masters] • Calcaneofibular (ligament) • Collateral Ligament, Medial, Knee • Coracohuméral (ligament) • Cricoarytenoid (joint) (ligament) • Cricothyroid (joint) (ligament) • Cruciate Ligament, Anterior • Cruciate Ligament, Posterior • Deltoid (ligament) • Disorder of ligament • Disorder of ligament | ankle and foot • Disorder of ligament | forearm • Disorder of ligament | hand • Disorder of ligament | lower leg • Disorder of ligament | multiple sites • Disorder of ligament | other • Disorder of ligament | pelvic region and thigh • Disorder of ligament | shoulder region • Disorder of ligament | site unspecified • Disorder of ligament | upper arm • Flaval Ligament • Haematoma of broad ligament • Internal collateral (ligament) • Lateral Ligament, Ankle • Laxity of ligament of knee • Ligament-Fimomed • Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee • Medial Ligament of Knee • Patellar Ligament • Pattelar ligament • Periodontal Ligament • Posterior Cruciate Ligament • Radiocarpal (joint) (ligament) • Radiocarpal (ligament) • Round Ligament • Round ligament • Talofibular (ligament) • Tarsal (ligament) • Tarsometatarsal (ligament) • Tibial Collateral Ligament • Tibiofibular (ligament), distal • Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint(s) • Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist and carpus • Uterine ligament (broad)(round) • Uterine ligament NOS • falciform ligament • ligament, except uterine • round ligament of the uterus • uterine ligament, any

Acromioclavicular ligament • Alar ligament • Annular ligament (disambiguation) • Anterior atlantoaxial ligament • Anterior auricular ligament • Anterior cruciate ligament • Anterior cruciate ligament injury • Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction • Anterior ligament • Anterior ligament of elbow • Anterior ligament of head of fibula • Anterior ligament of malleus • Anterior ligament of the lateral malleolus • Anterior longitudinal ligament • Anterior meniscofemoral ligament • Anterior sacrococcygeal ligament • Anterior sacroiliac ligament • Anterior sternoclavicular ligament • Anterior talocalcaneal ligament • Anterior talofibular ligament • Anular ligament of radius • Anular ligament of stapes • Apical ligament of dens • Arcuate ligament • Arcuate popliteal ligament • Bifurcated ligament • Broad ligament of the uterus • Calcaneocuboid ligament • Calcaneofibular ligament • Cardinal ligament • Collateral ligament • Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of foot • Collateral ligament of interphalangeal articulations of hand • Collateral ligament of metatarsophalangeal articulations • Conoid ligament • Coracoacromial ligament • Coracoclavicular ligament • Coracohumeral ligament • Coronary ligament • Coronary ligament (disambiguation) • Coronary ligament of the knee • Coronary ligament of the liver • Costoclavicular ligament • Costotransverse ligament • Costoxiphoid ligament • Cricoarytenoid ligament • Cricopharyngeal ligament • Cricothyroid ligament • Cricotracheal ligament • Cruciate ligament • Cruciate ligament of atlas • Crural ligament • Deep transverse metacarpal ligament • Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament • Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament • Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament • Dorsal intercarpal ligament • Dorsal radiocarpal ligament • Dorsal radioulnar ligament • Dorsal talonavicular ligament • Duodenorenal ligament • Falciform ligament • Fibular collateral ligament • Gastrocolic ligament • Gastrophrenic ligament • Gastrosplenic ligament • Hepatocolic ligament • Hepatoduodenal ligament • Hepatogastric ligament • Hepatophrenic ligament • Hepatorenal ligament • Hyoepiglottic ligament • Iliofemoral ligament • Iliolumbar ligament • Inferior ligament of epididymis • Inferior pubic ligament • Inferior transverse ligament • Inferior transverse ligament of scapula • Inferior transverse ligament of the tibiofibular syndesmosis • Inguinal ligament • Interarticular ligament • Interarticular sternocostal ligament • Interclavicular ligament • Interfoveolar ligament • Interosseous cuneocuboid ligament • Interosseous ligament • Interosseous sacroiliac ligament • Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament • Interspinal ligament • Intertransverse ligament • Ischiofemoral ligament • Lacunar ligament • Lateral arcuate ligament • Lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint • Lateral costotransverse ligament • Lateral ligament of malleus • Lateral talocalcaneal ligament • Lateral thyrohyoid ligament • Left triangular ligament • Ligament of Bigelow • Ligament of head of femur • Ligament sheath • Lisfranc ligament • Long plantar ligament • Lumbocostal ligament • Medial arcuate ligament • Medial collateral ligament • Medial ligament of talocrural joint • Medial palpebral ligament • Medial talocalcaneal ligament • Medial umbilical ligament • Median arcuate ligament • Median thyrohyoid ligament • Median umbilical ligament • Nuchal ligament • Oblique popliteal ligament • Ovarian ligament • Palmar carpal ligament • Palmar carpometacarpal ligament • Palmar radiocarpal ligament • Patellar ligament • Pectineal ligament • Periodontal ligament stem cells • Phrenicocolic ligament • Phrenoesophageal ligament • Pisohamate ligament • Pisometacarpal ligament • Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament • Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament • Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament • Plantar cuneocuboid ligament • Posterior atlantoaxial ligament • Posterior auricular ligament • Posterior carpometacarpal ligament • Posterior cruciate ligament • Posterior ligament • Posterior ligament of elbow • Posterior ligament of head of fibula • Posterior ligament of incus • Posterior ligament of the head of the fibula • Posterior ligament of the lateral malleolus • Posterior longitudinal ligament • Posterior meniscofemoral ligament • Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament • Posterior sacroiliac ligament • Posterior sternoclavicular ligament • Posterior talocalcaneal ligament • Posterior talofibular ligament • Poupart's ligament • Pterygospinal ligament • Pubofemoral ligament • Puboprostatic ligament • Pulmonary ligament • Radial carpal collateral ligament • Radial collateral ligament • Radial collateral ligament (elbow) • Radial collateral ligament (thumb) • Radiate carpal ligament • Radiate ligament • Reflected ligament • Reflex inguinal ligament • Right triangular ligament • Round ligament • Round ligament of liver • Round ligament of uterus • Sacrospinous ligament • Sacrotuberous ligament • Scrotal ligament • Sphenomandibular ligament • Spiral ligament • Splenorenal ligament • Stylohyoid ligament • Stylomandibular ligament • Superficial transverse metacarpal ligament • Superior auricular ligament • Superior costotransverse ligament • Superior ligament of epididymis • Superior ligament of incus • Superior pubic ligament • Superior transverse scapular ligament • Supraspinous ligament • Suspensory ligament of the ovary • Suspensory ligament of the penis • Temporomandibular ligament • Transverse acetabular ligament • Transverse humeral ligament • Transverse ligament • Transverse ligament of atlas • Transverse metacarpal ligament • Transverse metatarsal ligament • Trapezoid ligament • Ulnar carpal collateral ligament • Ulnar collateral ligament • Ulnar collateral ligament (thumb) • Uterosacral ligament • Vinculum (ligament) • Vocal ligament • Volar radioulnar ligament • Y-ligament

Diccionario analógico




Latin = ligamenta

Knee diagram.svg
Diagram of the right knee.
Typical joint

In anatomy, a ligament is the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones and is also known as articular ligament, articular larua,[1] fibrous ligament, or true ligament.

Ligament can also refer to:

  • Peritoneal ligament: a fold of peritoneum or other membranes.
  • Fetal remnant ligament: the remnants of a tubular structure from the fetal period of life.

The study of ligaments is known as desmology (from Greek δεσμός, desmos, "string"; and -λογία, -logia).

Ligaments are similar to tendons and fasciae as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, tendons join muscle to bone and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles.


  Articular ligaments

"Ligament" most commonly refers to a band of tough, fibrous dense regular connective tissue comprising attenuated collagenous fibers. Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint. They do not connect muscles to bones; that is the job of tendons. Some ligaments limit the mobility of articulations, or prevent certain movements altogether.

Capsular ligaments are part of the articular capsule that surrounds synovial joints. They act as mechanical reinforcements. Extra-capsular ligaments join together and provide joint stability. Intra-capsular ligaments, which are much less common,[citation needed] also provide stability but permit a far larger range of motion. Cruciate ligaments occur in pairs.

Ligaments are viscoelastic. They gradually lengthen when under tension, and return to their original shape when the tension is removed. However, they cannot retain their original shape when stretched past a certain point or for a prolonged period of time. This is one reason why dislocated joints must be set as quickly as possible: if the ligaments lengthen too much, then the joint will be weakened, becoming prone to future dislocations.[citation needed] Athletes, gymnasts, dancers, and martial artists perform stretching exercises to lengthen their ligaments, making their joints more supple.

The term "double-jointed" refers to people with more-elastic ligaments, allowing their joints to stretch and contort further. The medical term for describing such double-jointed persons is hyperlaxity.

The consequence of a broken ligament can be instability of the joint. Not all broken ligaments need surgery, but, if surgery is needed to stabilise the joint, the broken ligament can be repaired. Scar tissue may prevent this. If it is not possible to fix the broken ligament, other procedures such as the Brunelli procedure can correct the instability. Instability of a joint can over time lead to wear of the cartilage and eventually to osteoarthritis.


Head and neck

  Peritoneal ligaments

Certain folds of peritoneum are referred to as ligaments. Examples include:

  Fetal remnant ligaments

Certain tubular structures from the fetal period are referred to as ligaments after they close up and turn into cord-like structures:[citation needed]

Fetal Adult
ductus arteriosus ligamentum arteriosum
extra-hepatic portion of the fetal left umbilical vein ligamentum teres hepatis (the "round ligament of the liver").
intra-hepatic portion of the fetal left umbilical vein (the ductus venosus) ligamentum venosum
distal portions of the fetal left and right umbilical arteries medial umbilical ligaments

  See also


  1. ^ "ligament" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary


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