definición y significado de Cut-offs |

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alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita
alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita

Definición y significado de Cut-offs


  • plural of cut-off (noun)


cut off (v. trans.)

1.block off the passage through"We shut off the valve"

2.cease, stop"cut the noise" "We had to cut short the conversation"

3.make a break in"We interrupt the program for the following messages"

4.remove surgically"amputate limbs"

5.break a small piece off from"chip the glass" "chip a tooth"

6.remove by or as if by cutting"cut off the ear" "lop off the dead branch"

7.cut off and stop"The bicyclist was cut out by the van"

cut off (adj.)

1.detached by cutting"cut flowers" "a severed head" "an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm"

cut off (v.)

1.cause to break into many pieces"shatter the plate"

cut off

1.isolate or separate"She was shut off from the friends"

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Merriam Webster

Cut-offCut"-off` (kŭt"ŏf`; 115), n.
1. That which cuts off or shortens, as a nearer passage or road.

2. (Mach.) (a) The valve gearing or mechanism by which steam is cut off from entering the cylinder of a steam engine after a definite point in a stroke, so as to allow the remainder of the stroke to be made by the expansive force of the steam already let in. See Expansion gear, under Expansion. (b) Any device for stopping or changing a current, as of grain or water in a spout.

Definición (más)

definición de Cut-offs (Wikipedia)


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Ver también

cut off (v.)

shattering, smashing

Diccionario analógico

cut off (adj.)


cut off (v. tr.)

cut off (v. tr.)

Wikipedia - ver también


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