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blab (v. trans.)
1.utter impulsively"He blurted out the secret" "He blundered his stupid ideas"
2.divulge confidential information or secrets"Be careful--his secretary talks"
3.speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
4.(colloquial;British)give away information about somebody"He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
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Merriam Webster
BlabBlab (blăb), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blabbed (blăbd); p. pr. & vb. n. Blabbing.] [Cf. OE. blaberen, or Dan. blabbre, G. plappern, Gael. blabaran a stammerer; prob. of imitative origin. Cf. also Blubber, v.] To utter or tell unnecessarily, or in a thoughtless manner; to publish (secrets or trifles) without reserve or discretion; -- sometimes used with out. Udall.
And yonder a vile physician blabbing
The case of his patient. Tennyson.
BlabBlab, v. i. To talk thoughtlessly or without discretion; to tattle; to tell tales.
She must burst or blab. Dryden.
BlabBlab, n. [OE. blabbe.] One who blabs; a babbler; a telltale. “Avoided as a blab.” Milton.
For who will open himself to a blab or a babbler. Bacon.
⇨ definición de blab (Wikipedia)
blab (v. trans.)
babble, babble out, blabber, blab out, blunder, blunder out, blurt, blurt out, chatter, clack, ejaculate, gab, gabble, gibber, give away, give the show away, inform against, let out accidentally, let slip, let the cat out of the bag, maunder, palaver, pass on, peach, piffle, prate, prattle, sing, sneak on, snitch, snitch on, spill the beans, talk, tattle, tell on, tittle-tattle, twaddle
blab (v. trans.) (colloquial;British)
betray, denounce, give away, grass, inform against, pass on, rat, sell down the river, shit, shop, sneak on, stag, tell tales, shoot one's mouth off (colloquial), snitch (colloquial), snitch on (colloquial), tell on (colloquial)
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Ver también
blab (v. trans.)
↘ blabbermouth, blether, chatter, chatterbox, chin music, denouncement, denouncer, denunciation, ejaculation, ejaculator, exclamation, fink, grass, grassing, idle talk, interjection, motormouth, nark, prate, prattle, prattler, sneak, sneaking, squealer, stool pigeon, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale ≠ keep one's mouth shut, keep quiet, shut one's mouth
⇨ blab out
⇨ BLAB! • Blab Happy • Blab school • Uwe Blab
blab (v. tr.)
say; tell[Classe]
involontaire (fr)[Caract.]
blab (v. tr.)
[colloquial , British]
blab (v. tr.)
[colloquial , British]
manquer de discrétion (fr)[Classe]
blab (v. tr.)
blab (v. tr.)
parler beaucoup (avec qqn) (fr)[Classe]
mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize[Hyper.]
balderdash, fiddle-faddle, piffle, twaddle - empty talk, empty words, hot air, palaver, rhetoric - gabble, jabber, jabbering - baloney, bilge, bilgewater, boloney, bosh, bull, claptrap, cobblers, drivel, drool, foolishness, humbug, rigmarole, taradiddle, tarradiddle, tommyrot, tosh, tripe, twaddle - causerie, chat, chinwag, chin wag, chin-wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, chitchat, chit chat, chit-chat, gab, gabfest, gossip, natter, small talk, tittle-tattle - cackle, chatter, yack, yak, yakety-yak - blether, chatter, chin music, idle talk, prate, prattle - babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, magpie, prater, spouter - betrayer, blabber, informer, rat, squealer - prattler - sputterer, twaddler[Dérivé]
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