definición y significado de partition |

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alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita

Definición y significado de partition


partition (v. trans.)

1.give out as one's portion or share

2.separate or apportion into sections"partition a room off"

3.divide into parts, pieces, or sections"The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British"

partition (n.)

1.the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart

2.a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)

3.(computer science) the part of a hard disk that is dedicated to a particular operating system or application and accessed as a single unit

4.(anatomy) a structure that separates areas in an organism

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Merriam Webster

PartitionPar*ti"tion (?), n. [F. partition, L. partitio. See Part, v.]
1. The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; separation; division; distribution; as, the partition of a kingdom.

And good from bad find no partition. Shak.

2. That which divides or separates; that by which different things, or distinct parts of the same thing, are separated; separating boundary; dividing line or space; specifically, an interior wall dividing one part or apartment of a house, a compartment of a room, an inclosure, or the like, from another; as, a brick partition; lath and plaster partitions; cubicles with four-foot high partitions.

No sight could pass
Betwixt the nice partitions of the grass.

3. A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment. [R.] “Lodged in a small partition.” Milton.

4. (Law.) The severance of common or undivided interests, particularly in real estate. It may be effected by consent of parties, or by compulsion of law.

5. (Mus.) A score.

Partition of numbers (Math.), the resolution of integers into parts subject to given conditions. Brande & C.

PartitionPar*ti"tion (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Partitioned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Partitioning.]
1. To divide into parts or shares; to divide and distribute; as, to partition an estate among various heirs.

2. To divide into distinct parts by lines, walls, etc.; as, to partition a house.

Uniform without, though severally partitioned within. Bacon.

Definición (más)

definición de partition (Wikipedia)


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partition (n.)

partition (n.)


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