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sceptic (adj.)
1.(British)marked by or given to doubt"a skeptical attitude" "a skeptical listener"
sceptic (n.)
1.someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
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sceptic (adj.) (British)
doubting, questioning, sceptical (British), skeptic (American), skeptical (American)
sceptic (n.)
agnostic, disbeliever, doubter, questioner, unbeliever, skeptic (American)
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sceptic (n.)
↗ be dubious, be in doubt, be undecided, boggle, dither, doubt, doubt if, doubting, falter, hang back, have misgivings about, hesitate, questioning, sceptical, skeptic, skeptical, vacillate, waver
sceptic (adj.)
↘ agnosticism, doubter, sceptically, scepticism, skeptic, skeptically, skepticism, unbelievingly
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sceptic (adj.)
sceptic; sceptical; skeptic; skeptical; doubting; questioning[ClasseHyper.]
qui hésite, ne prend pas de décision (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
sceptic (n.)
skeptic; sceptic; doubter[ClasseHyper.]
partisan d'une doctrine philosophique (fr)[Classe]
douteur (fr)[CeQuiEst~]
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