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yield (n.)
1.production of a certain amount amount of a product
3.the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property"the average return was about 5%"
4.the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time)"production was up in the second quarter"
yield (v. trans.)
1.end resistance, as under pressure or force"The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"
2.consent reluctantly willing to concede"I grant you this much"
4.cease opposition; stop fighting flexible under stress of physical force"This material doesn't give"
6.give or supply"The cow brings in 5 liters of milk" "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn" "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
7.cause to happen or be responsible for"His two singles gave the team the victory"
8.move in order to make room for someone for something"The park gave way to a supermarket" "`Move over,' he told the crowd"
9.bring in"interest-bearing accounts" "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
10.give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another the cause or source of"He gave me a lot of trouble" "Our meeting afforded much interesting information" fatally overwhelmed
13.give in, as to influence or pressure
yield (v.)
1.have as a necessary feature"This decision involves many changes"
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Merriam Webster
YieldYield (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Yielded; obs. p. p. Yold (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Yielding.] [OE. yelden, ȝelden, ȝilden, AS. gieldan, gildan, to pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be worth, gälda to pay, Goth. gildan in fragildan, usgildan. Cf. 1st Geld, Guild.]
1. To give in return for labor expended; to produce, as payment or interest on what is expended or invested; to pay; as, money at interest yields six or seven per cent.
To yelde Jesu Christ his proper rent. Chaucer.
When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength. Gen. iv. 12.
2. To furnish; to afford; to render; to give forth. “Vines yield nectar.” Milton.
[He] makes milch kine yield blood. Shak.
The wilderness yieldeth food for them and for their children. Job xxiv. 5.
3. To give up, as something that is claimed or demanded; to make over to one who has a claim or right; to resign; to surrender; to relinquish; as a city, an opinion, etc.
And, force perforce, I'll make him yield the crown. Shak.
Shall yield up all their virtue, all their fame. Milton.
4. To admit to be true; to concede; to allow.
I yield it just, said Adam, and submit. Milton.
5. To permit; to grant; as, to yield passage.
6. To give a reward to; to bless. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Tend me to-night two hours, I ask no more,
And the gods yield you for 't. Shak.
God yield thee, and God thank ye. Beau. & Fl.
To yield the breath, To yield the breath up, To yield the ghost, To yield the ghost up, To yield up the ghost, or To yield the life, to die; to expire; -- similar to To give up the ghost.
YieldYield, v. i.
1. To give up the contest; to submit; to surrender; to succumb.
He saw the fainting Grecians yield. Dryden.
2. To comply with; to assent; as, I yielded to his request.
3. To give way; to cease opposition; to be no longer a hindrance or an obstacle; as, men readily yield to the current of opinion, or to customs; the door yielded.
Will ye relent,
And yield to mercy while 't is offered you? Shak.
4. To give place, as inferior in rank or excellence; as, they will yield to us in nothing.
Nay tell me first, in what more happy fields
The thistle springs, to which the lily yields? Pope.
YieldYield (?), n. Amount yielded; product; -- applied especially to products resulting from growth or cultivation. “A goodly yield of fruit doth bring.” Bacon.
⇨ definición de yield (Wikipedia)
yield (n.)
crop, fruit, gain, gains, grain harvest, harvest, issue, output, payoff, proceeds, product, production, profit, profits, return, returns, revenue, revenues, take, takings (British)
yield (v. trans.)
afford, bear, buckle under, cede, concede, ease up, generate, give, give in, give priority, give right of way, give way, grant, knuckle under, move aside, move over, move up, pay, relent, render, return, sidestep, soften, submit, succumb, turn aside
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Ver también
yield (v.)
yield (v. trans.)
≠ come through, make it, pull round, pull through, remain firm, see out, stand, survive
⇨ crop yield • high-yield • high-yield bond • outflow yield • yield a profit • yield management • yield profit • yield to • yield up
⇨ 30 day sec yield • 30-day yield • 7 Day SEC Yield • Adjusted current yield • Annual percentage yield • Annual yield rate • Area yield options contract • Atomic Weapons Detection Recognition and Estimation of Yield • Bond equivalent yield • Chemical yield • Convenience yield • Crop yield • Current yield • DBLCI Optimum Yield (OY) Balanced Index • DBLCI Optimum Yield (OY) Index • Dial-a-yield • Dividend yield • Earnings yield • Ecological yield • Fission product yield • Flat yield • Growth and yield modelling • High Yield Corporate Debt • High yield bond • High yield debt • High yield markets • High yield research • High yield stocks • High-yield • High-yield bond • High-yield bonds • High-yield debt • High-yield investment program • Income yield • Interest yield • Leg yield • Leg-yield • Merrill Lynch High Yield Master II • Milling yield • Molar yield • Mortgage yield • Multiple Use – Sustained Yield Act of 1960 • Net energy yield • Nominal yield • Normal yield (agriculture) • Nuclear weapon yield • Optimum sustainable yield • Par yield • Percent yield • Percentage yield • Quantum yield • Redemption yield • Roll yield • Running yield • Specified Minimum Yield Strength • Sustainable yield • Sustainable yield in fisheries • Sustained yield • Terminal yield • Variable yield • Von Mises yield criterion • Yield (album) • Yield (chemistry) • Yield (engineering) • Yield (finance) • Yield (wine) • Yield / Out da Club • Yield Burning • Yield Gap • Yield Tour • Yield curve • Yield curve (physics) • Yield elasticity of bond value • Yield management • Yield protection • Yield sign • Yield spread • Yield spread premium • Yield strength anomaly • Yield to maturity • Yield to the Night • Yield-curve spread
yield (n.)
yield (n.)
récolte (fr)[Classe]
(cereal)[termes liés]
yield (n.)
production par facteur de production (fr)[Classe]
résultat financier de l'investissement (fr)[Classe]
intérêt de l'argent placé, prêté (fr)[Classe]
récolte (fr)[termes liés]
yield (n.)
output - generate, give, render, return, yield - bear, pay, yield[Dérivé]
yield (n.)
yield (n.)
récolte (fr)[Classe]
intérêt de l'argent placé, prêté (fr)[Classe]
business; turnover; returns[Classe]
chose reçue (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
(accountancy; book-keeping), (total amount; sum; sum of money; amount of money), (trust company; trust corporation)[termes liés]
yield (n.)
indefinite quantity[Hyper.]
generate, give, render, return, yield - bear, pay, yield[Dérivé]
yield (v.)
bring on; cause; bring about; raise; provoke; entail[ClasseHyper.]
yield (v. tr.)
(fertilisation; fertilization)[termes liés]
intérêt de l'argent placé, prêté (fr)[termes liés]
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
alter, change[Hyper.]
yield (v. tr.)
se rendre à un ennemi (fr)[Classe]
accept, consent, go for[Hyper.]
giving up, surrender, yielding[Dérivé]
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
surrenderer, yielder[Dérivé]
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
create, make[Hyper.]
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
give, hand[Hyper.]
yield (v. tr.)
endow with, furnish, provide, provide with, render, supply[Hyper.]
yield (v. tr.)
yield (v. tr.)
remain firm, stand[Ant.]
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