definición y significado de transpose |

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alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita
alemán árabe búlgaro checo chino coreano croata danés eslovaco esloveno español estonio farsi finlandés francés griego hebreo hindù húngaro indonesio inglés islandés italiano japonés letón lituano malgache neerlandés noruego polaco portugués rumano ruso serbio sueco tailandès turco vietnamita

Definición y significado de transpose


transpose (n.)

1.a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix

transpose (v.)

1.cause to change places"interchange this screw for one of a smaller size"

2.change the order or arrangement of"Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word"

3.change key"Can you transpose this fugue into G major?" positions without a change in value"These operators commute with each other"

5.transfer from one place or period to another"The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America"

6.put (a piece of music) into another key

7.transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality

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Merriam Webster

TransposeTrans*pose" (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transposed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Transposing.] [F. transposer; pref. trans- (L. trans across) + poser to put. See Pose.]

1. To change the place or order of; to substitute one for the other of; to exchange, in respect of position; as, to transpose letters, words, or propositions.

2. To change; to transform; to invert. [R.]

Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity.

3. (Alg.) To bring, as any term of an equation, from one side over to the other, without destroying the equation; thus, if a + b = c, and we make a = c - b, then b is said to be transposed.

4. (Gram.) To change the natural order of, as words.

5. (Mus.) To change the key of.

Definición (más)

definición de transpose (Wikipedia)


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Diccionario analógico

transpose (n.)


transpose (v.)

transpose (v.)

transpose (v.)

transpose (v.)

arrange, set[Hyper.]

transpose (v.)


todas las traducciones de transpose

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